Rare 1965 footage of J. Allen Hynek

In this rare footage from 1965, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, chairman of the Department of Astronomy and a UFO investigator for the Air Force, interviews witnesses of UFO sightings near Chicago.

The video, titled “Rare 1965 footage of J. Allen Hynek interviewing UFO witnesses and his conclusion of the sightings,” sheds light on the accounts of several people who reported seeing strange lights and objects in the sky. Dr. Hynek analyzes the testimonies and provides his own conclusion regarding the nature of these sightings.

Key takeaways from the video include interviews with witnesses like Mrs. Victor Baumgart, who described a strange object crossing the road and hovering over a field, as well as the Charles Welch family, who witnessed a ball of light with a greenish-blue tail.

Dr. Hynek suggests that these sightings may have been the result of a bright fireball or meteor, but the case remains unsolved. The video offers a captivating journey into the world of UFO investigations and leaves viewers questioning the truth behind these mysterious sightings.

*** LOOK at the BIG FLIRT J. Allen Hynek making moves on the witnesses!

Key Takeaways

  • This article discusses rare footage from 1965 of Dr. J. Allen Hynek interviewing UFO witnesses and his conclusions on the sightings.
  • The video showcases interviews with Mrs. Victor Baumgart, the Charles Welch Family, Richard Rohrer, and other witnesses.
  • Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s analysis suggests that the sightings may have been caused by a meteor or fireball.
  • The video raises questions about the sighting made by Mrs. Crowley and the puzzling absence of the moon during her sighting.

Summary of the video

The rare 1965 footage features Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the Chairman of the Department of Astronomy and a UFO Investigator for the Air Force, interviewing various witnesses of UFO sightings. The video highlights interviews with Mrs. Victor Baumgart, the Charles Welch Family, Richard Rohrer, and other witnesses. Dr. Hynek analyzes the sightings and provides his conclusions on what may have caused them.

Main points covered

  1. Mrs. Victor Baumgart’s account: Mrs. Baumgart describes a strange light in the sky that crossed the road and hovered over a field. She mentions the absence of sound, the beautiful brilliant white exhaust, and the unusual nature of the sighting compared to a meteor or fireball.
  2. The Charles Welch Family’s sighting: The Welch Family witnessed a ball of light with a switching blue-green tail, accompanied by sparks. They observed the object moving above the trees and disappearing into a small cloud.
  3. Richard Rohrer’s sighting: Richard Rohrer reports seeing a bright blue object similar to a settling torch that tapered off. He observed it moving near a shopping center and between a tower and his car.
  4. Other witness accounts: The video mentions that there were additional witnesses in East Dundee, Elgin, and further west who saw the same object on the same date and time.
  5. Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s analysis: Dr. Hynek examines the data gathered from the witnesses and concludes that the sightings may have been caused by a meteor or fireball. He notes the distances between the witnesses and the predominantly eastern direction of the sightings.
  6. Mrs. Crowley’s puzzling sighting: Mrs. Crowley’s sighting poses a challenge to Dr. Hynek’s analysis as her description of the object does not align with the expected behavior of a meteor or fireball. The video mentions that the setting moon was in the same position as the sighting, raising questions about why Mrs. Crowley did not see the moon.
  7. Officer Joe Lukasak’s sighting: Officer Lukasak and his colleagues in Elmwood Park reported a sighting that represents a good UFO, meaning it remains unidentified. Dr. Hynek acknowledges the difficulty in ascribing the object’s erratic motions to the moon.


In this article, we will delve into rare footage from 1965 featuring Dr. J. Allen Hynek and his interviews with UFO witnesses. The video presents firsthand accounts of the sightings and Dr. Hynek’s analysis of the events. Let’s explore the main points covered in the video and examine the conclusions drawn by Dr. Hynek.

Rare 1965 footage of J. Allen Hynek interviewing UFO witnesses and his conclusion of the sightings

Interview with Mrs. Victor Baumgart

According to the video, Mrs. Victor Baumgart witnessed a strange light in the sky while she was traveling near her home. She describes the object as something with headlights that crossed the road and hovered over a field.

What stood out to Mrs. Baumgart was the complete absence of sound and the exhaust of the object, which was colored a beautiful brilliant white. This sighting differed from a typical meteor or fireball, leaving Mrs. Baumgart intrigued and questioning what she had witnessed.

Interview with the Charles Welch Family

The Charles Welch Family had a similar encounter with a UFO. They describe seeing a ball of light with a switching blue-green tail and observed sparks coming off of it.

The object moved above the trees before disappearing into a small cloud. This sighting took place while the family was driving toward Barrington, only a few miles from where Mrs. Baumgart had her experience.

Interview with Richard Rohrer

Richard Rohrer provides his account of witnessing a bright blue object near a shopping center in Carpentersville. He likens the object to a settling torch and mentions its large body with a tapered off appearance. The object traveled alongside a tower and continued to the end of the shopping center. Rohrer’s description aligns with the previous sightings, adding further credibility to the UFO reports.

Other Witness Accounts

The video mentions that there were additional witnesses in East Dundee, Elgin, and further west who observed the same object on the same date and time. This widespread confirmation of the sightings strengthens the credibility of the events and adds to the mystery surrounding the unidentified object.

Rare 1965 footage of J. Allen Hynek interviewing UFO witnesses and his conclusion of the sightings

Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s Analysis

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a seasoned UFO investigator, collected and analyzed the data from the witness accounts. He concludes that the sightings reported by Mrs. Baumgart, the Charles Welch Family, Richard Rohrer, and others may have been caused by a meteor or fireball. Dr. Hynek emphasizes the distances between the witnesses and the predominantly eastern direction of the sightings, supporting his hypothesis.


The 1965 footage of Dr. J. Allen Hynek interviewing UFO witnesses provides a fascinating glimpse into a series of unexplained sightings near Chicago.

While Dr. Hynek’s analysis suggests that the objects observed may have been meteors or fireballs, there are still puzzling aspects, such as Mrs. Crowley’s sighting and the absence of the moon, that remain unresolved.

These accounts remind us that there are phenomena beyond our understanding and that continued study and investigation are essential to unraveling the mysteries of unidentified flying objects.

Rare 1965 footage of J. Allen Hynek interviewing UFO witnesses and his conclusion of the sightings