RARE UFO Documentary with Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson

1973 UFO Cases – Pascagoula UFO Documentary

In this rare documentary titled “IN CONTACT,” you will have the opportunity to witness an extensive discussion between Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson as they delve into the infamous Pascagoula UFO incident.

This video explores various aspects of the encounter, including Charles Hickson’s alien abduction experience in 1973. Additionally, you will find a secret recording of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker after the incident, shedding further light on their extraordinary encounter.

Charles Hickson also shares his insights on a UFO sighting and alien abduction that took place in Pascagoula on October 11, 1973, while his family provides their perspective on the event.

This educational documentary follows fair use principles and aims to highlight the advancements in human technology and space exploration while exploring the possibility of contact with alien life forms.

IN CONTACT ~ rare documentary with Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson on the Pascagoula UFO incident

Key Takeaways

  • The documentary discusses the Pascagoula UFO incident, which occurred on October 11, 1973, on the banks of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi.
  • The incident involved two men, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, who claimed to have been abducted by a UFO.
  • Scientific investigations, including hypnosis and polygraph tests, supported the authenticity of their encounter.


Welcome to this comprehensive article on the Pascagoula UFO incident. In this article, we will explore the background information, eyewitness accounts, and scientific investigations related to this fascinating event.

We will also discuss the experiences of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, the impact their encounter had on their lives, and other UFO sightings and encounters.

Additionally, we will delve into the possibility of extraterrestrial life, advancements in human technology and space exploration, and the importance of evidence and research in this field. So, let’s dive in!

The Pascagoula UFO Incident

Background Information

The Pascagoula UFO incident took place on October 11, 1973, on the banks of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. This incident gained widespread attention due to the claims made by two men, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker.

Their encounter with a UFO sparked scientific investigations and public interest in the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Eyewitness Accounts

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker reported being abducted by a UFO while fishing on the river. They described being taken aboard a spacecraft by beings they believed to be extraterrestrial. Their accounts of the incident were detailed and consistent, leading to further scrutiny and investigation.

Scientific Investigations

To determine the veracity of Hickson and Parker’s claims, scientific investigations were conducted. These investigations included hypnosis and polygraph tests.

The results of these tests were compelling, suggesting that their encounter was one of the most authentic UFO incidents in history. The scientific community became increasingly interested in understanding the phenomenon and its possible implications.

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker’s Experiences

The Alien Abduction Incident

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker’s experience of being abducted by a UFO was a life-altering event. They described being taken aboard the spacecraft and subjected to examinations by the beings inside. The details of their encounter were both fascinating and unsettling, leading to speculation and curiosity among researchers and the general public.

Hypnosis and Polygraph Tests

To further validate their claims, Hickson and Parker underwent hypnosis and polygraph tests. These tests aimed to uncover any hidden memories or inconsistencies in their stories. The results of these tests were remarkably consistent with their initial accounts, providing additional credibility to their claims.

Consistency of Their Stories

One of the intriguing aspects of Hickson and Parker’s experiences is the consistency of their stories over the years. Despite skepticism and scrutiny, they maintained the same details and did not waver in their descriptions of the event. This consistency adds weight to their claims and keeps the incident in the public consciousness.

Impact on Their Lives

The encounter had a profound impact on both Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker. They experienced physical and mental health issues as a result of their experience. The incident also led to media attention, public appearances, and discussions about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Their lives were forever changed by this extraordinary event.

IN CONTACT ~ rare documentary with Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson on the Pascagoula UFO incident

Other UFO Sightings and Encounters

Historical UFO Cases

The Pascagoula UFO incident is not an isolated event. Throughout history, there have been numerous reports of unidentified flying objects and encounters with beings from other worlds. The documentary explores some of these historical cases, such as the Betty and Barney Hill case and the sighting in Roswell, New Mexico, which gained significant attention.

Witness Accounts

People from all walks of life have claimed to have had contact with aliens and witnessed UFOs. The documentary highlights some of these witness accounts, including the sighting and encounter on Mother’s Day in 1974. These accounts contribute to the growing public awareness and belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Public Awareness and Belief

Over the years, public awareness and belief in UFOs and extraterrestrial life have increased. With more sightings and encounters being reported, the topic has become a subject of fascination and curiosity. The documentary touches on the impact of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker sharing their experiences and the support they received from individuals who had their own encounters.

Exploring the Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life

Religion and Science Perspectives

The existence of extraterrestrial life raises questions from both religious and scientific perspectives. The documentary explores the views of a Lutheran minister who shares his perspective on the compatibility of religion and the belief in intelligent life on other planets. This discussion highlights the diverse perspectives on the topic.

Views on Intelligent Life on Other Planets

As scientific knowledge and technology advance, the possibility of intelligent life on other planets becomes more plausible.

The documentary delves into the idea that the existence of intelligent beings on other planets could be part of God’s creation, rather than in conflict with religious beliefs. This perspective allows for a harmonious coexistence between religion and the belief in extraterrestrial life.

God’s Creation and the Devil’s Influence

Some individuals consider the belief in extraterrestrial life to be influenced by the devil or as a deception. However, the documentary challenges this viewpoint by presenting the notion that intelligent life on other planets could also be a part of God’s creation.

This perspective encourages open-mindedness and acceptance of the possibility of life beyond Earth.

IN CONTACT ~ rare documentary with Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson on the Pascagoula UFO incident

Advancements in Human Technology and Space Exploration

Historical Milestones

Human technology and space exploration have made significant advancements over the years. The documentary highlights historical milestones, such as the Wright brothers’ first flight in 1903 and the achievements of astronauts like Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong. These milestones represent humanity’s drive for knowledge and exploration.

Exploration of Other Planets

Human space exploration has expanded our understanding of the universe and the potential for life on other planets. Probes sent by NASA, such as Voyager 2, have explored other planets in our solar system. These missions have revealed evidence of water and conditions that could support life on Mars. The search for extraterrestrial life continues to captivate scientists and researchers.

The Acceptance of Extraterrestrial Life

Advancements in technology and scientific discoveries have led to a shift in societal attitudes towards the belief in extraterrestrial life. What was once dismissed as mere science fiction is now an acceptable notion within the scientific community. The documentary discusses this changing perspective and the implications it has for our understanding of the universe.


In conclusion, the Pascagoula UFO incident has left an indelible mark on the world of ufology and the search for extraterrestrial life.

The compelling accounts of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, supported by scientific investigations, have added credibility to the existence of UFOs and the possibility of contact with other life forms.

This documentary highlights the importance of evidence and research in understanding this phenomenon and encourages further exploration of other worlds. As we continue to delve into the depths of space, let us remain open-minded and curious, ready to uncover the mysteries and possibilities that await us.