Africa UFOs

1994 Zimbabwe Ariel School Aliens- #1 UFO Case of All Time

The 1994 Africa School Mass UFO Sighting – 2oo Kids See UFO For sure the #1 UFO Case of all time. Pound for Pound #1! That’s a crazy headline, that 200 kids actually saw a UFO. Even crazier is that 62 of them saw the ufo land AND saw straight up ET Aliens! That is …

1994 Zimbabwe Ariel School Aliens- #1 UFO Case of All Time Read More »

UFO Causes Bike Accident 👽 Africa UFO Sighting 2021

Biker Falls Off His Motorcycle After Appearance of a UFO UFO Story from the folks over at Latest UFO involving a guy in Africa riding a motorcycle Richman Myambo of Chipinge, Zimbabwe, says that he encountered what appeared to be a UFO on his way home from work last Friday. Myambo, 47, claims that …

UFO Causes Bike Accident 👽 Africa UFO Sighting 2021 Read More »