Top 10 UFO Cases

Top 7 Alien Abduction Cases

Top 7 Alien Abduction Cases: Shocking Encounters Revealed

Have you ever wondered about extraterrestrial encounters and the famous abduction stories that have been reported over the years? If so, you’re in for a treat! In this article, we’ll be exploring the Top 7 Alien Abduction Cases that have shocked and fascinated people around the world. From ground-breaking cases to life-altering events, these stories …

Top 7 Alien Abduction Cases: Shocking Encounters Revealed Read More »

Top 7 UFO Cases of All Time

Top 7 UFO Cases of All Time: Unraveling the Unsolved Mysteries

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered if we’re truly alone in the universe? The possibility of other intelligent life forms has intrigued humans for centuries, and the sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have only added to the mystery. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the top …

Top 7 UFO Cases of All Time: Unraveling the Unsolved Mysteries Read More »

Betty & Barney Hill Abduction 1961

Betty & Barney Hill: The Groundbreaking Alien Abduction Case That Shocked the World In the annals of UFO history, few stories have captivated the public imagination as much as the abduction case of Betty and Barney Hill. Their chilling experience, which took place on a quiet September night in 1961, is often considered the first …

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Pascagoula UFO Alien Abduction Incident – 1973 Calvin Parker

Alien Abduction Cases – 1973 Calvin Parker This post isn’t as much about the entire story, which you can read here at Wikipedia, but more about new evidence Ive uncovered or learned lately. This is starting with this newspaper clip below a few days after that talks about a report from a local radar being …

Pascagoula UFO Alien Abduction Incident – 1973 Calvin Parker Read More »

1994 Zimbabwe Ariel School Aliens- #1 UFO Case of All Time

The 1994 Africa School Mass UFO Sighting – 2oo Kids See UFO For sure the #1 UFO Case of all time. Pound for Pound #1! That’s a crazy headline, that 200 kids actually saw a UFO. Even crazier is that 62 of them saw the ufo land AND saw straight up ET Aliens! That is …

1994 Zimbabwe Ariel School Aliens- #1 UFO Case of All Time Read More »

Something BIG Is Going to Happen in June 2021

BIG UFO News is Coming – Disclosure? There is no doubt that something is cooking in the UFO world. I mean more than at anytime every maybe. Everyone seems aware that the Pentagon has been slowly but surely admitting that YES the UFOs, those ones we lied about for years and acted like NOPE…. Its …

Something BIG Is Going to Happen in June 2021 Read More »