1994 Zimbabwe Ariel School Aliens- #1 UFO Case of All Time

The 1994 Africa School Mass UFO Sighting – 2oo Kids See UFO For sure the #1 UFO Case of all time. Pound for Pound #1! That’s a crazy headline, that 200 kids actually saw a UFO. Even crazier is that 62 of them saw the ufo land AND saw straight up ET Aliens! That is …

1994 Zimbabwe Ariel School Aliens- #1 UFO Case of All Time Read More »

March 1997 – The Phoenix Lights & Olympic Gold

What do The Phoenix Lights & Gold Medalist GOATS Have in Common? NBC had a commercial today talking about how the two best USA Olympians were born in the same week in March 1997.  Then at the end it says “Was something in the water or the air that week?”…… Hell yea there was something …

March 1997 – The Phoenix Lights & Olympic Gold Read More »

UFO Reports Finally Comes Out – 6/25 – They Exist!

This UAP/UFO Report Seems Same Old Same Old I don’t think anyone really thought they were going to come out and say Aliens are here or are coming soon. The US intelligence community on Friday released its long-awaited report on what it knows about a series of mysterious flying objects that have been seen moving through restricted …

UFO Reports Finally Comes Out – 6/25 – They Exist! Read More »

UFO Report leaked…. The Pentagon admits UFOs are REAL. Aliens as well?

WE all Knew This was True 🛸 UFOs are REAL! OK, they didn’t say Aliens are real or that we have evidence of them, BUT they have come closer to saying it and said they couldn’t rule it out.  Im officially ruling it in! 🛸 I honestly can’t believe that they have said anything! That’s …

UFO Report leaked…. The Pentagon admits UFOs are REAL. Aliens as well? Read More »

New UFO / USO Video from Navy (May 2021)

UFO VIDEOS – USS Omaha Shows Mystery Object Going into Ocean ***** Newly released video taken on board the USS Omaha, a littoral combat ship, shows what has been described as a transmedium vehicle (that is, a vehicle capable of traveling through both air and water) moving, hovering, and disappearing into the Pacific Ocean. The …

New UFO / USO Video from Navy (May 2021) Read More »